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O T H E R   R E E L S


Trailer for the 40 minute short film In Full Bloom shot in 2010 in Wellington, New Zealand. Directed, Produced, Edited, and Scored this film. Shot on the original Red One MX Camera, 4K 10 bit digital video.


Demo Reel for 2012-2013. Work presented here includes Goblin and Orc creatures and hero Dwarf Digi-doubles for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Battle Suits for Zod and TorAn on Man of Steel - Hellicarrier ship and its damaged sections on The Avengers - and mutliple damaged Ironman suits on Ironman 3.


Demo Reel for 2008-2012. Work presented includes Roadway and multiple Tankers for Fast and Furious 4 - Cargo Ship and multiple Battleships on X-Men: First Class - multiple Female Orangutans for Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Demon Horse Statues, Demon Emperor Statue and Carriage for The Mummy 3: Curse of the Dragon Emperor - Ga-Hoole Tree leaves, branches and set dressing for main Owl City, Gong Tree, hero burned trees and stumps for Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole.

Demo Reel for 2005-2008. Work presented here includes main character Simon, all suits for the three chipminks on Alvin and the Chipmunks - multiple hero wolves and hero dobermen picnhers on The Golden Compass - Hero car orange Mazda RX-7 and all japanese lit up street signs for Fast and Furious 3: Tokyo Drift.

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